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The butterfly garden

Discover the Arnaud butterfly garden

Integrated into the Ôlachat estate, in bloom since 2022, an educational garden-forest is designed and lived according to the principles of permaculture, the opportunity to bring together young and old around a garden rich in ecosystems, lessons and smiles. 

The place aims to become a space of discovery, training and wonder, to learn permaculture and connect to multiple joys. 

By booking a stay with us, you have access to the educational trail retracing the main principles of permaculture applied to the garden, interspersed with explanatory sheets and fun games. 

Arnaud will be able to put together, in certain slots, activities around the garden, animals or permaculture, and children and parents alike will be able to marvel at the place by building cabins in the forest, by collecting eggs from the chickens, feeding the rabbits or discussing the trees and vegetables that grow there, sharing past and future stories that connect us to nature, to gardening, to ourselves!

Come and participate in the history of the place by reserving a slot for a visit led by Arnaud, who will help you get your hands on the ground to help you discover some of the first permaculture gestures. 

Arnaud wants to develop the farm: 

  • Constantly offer new animations
  • Welcome new animals
  • Build partnerships with local stakeholders to open new doors to other imaginations!